I have decided to sit down with myself and figure out what it is that I want to do in this lifetime.
I broke it down:
House Goals:
A patio
Chickens & Coop
A garden
Painted bedroom
Curtains for the kitchen
Use the clothing line outside as much as possible to dry freshly washed clothes.
2 to 2.5 hour computer time limit a day.
less facebook, more real life interactions. (maximum of 3 updates/day).
less coffee, more water & tea.
less refined stuff (sugar, etc).
asana practice 5-6 times/week.
find an acupuncturist for my allergies. (and stress).
find some form of massage therapy/body work that works to help me relax, etc.
more ayurvedic cooking...
Future Goals:
A trip to Mysore.
1 or 2 childrens.
A vacation with Asher.
Take Saturdays off from work for the Sabbath.
Eastside Ashtanga?? maybe...
That's all for now. I'm thinking of getting back on the blog wagon. It feels good to write.