Monday, May 17, 2010


(this is an excerpt from an article about Pattabhi Jois from the Yoga Journal)

As it was Guruji and Manju's desire to come to America, in 1975 Nancy Gilgoff and I brought them to Encinitas, California. They stayed in our home and conducted daily Mysore-style classes for two months. On the final night before Guruji was to return to India, we were in the kitchen chatting. Manju was translating.

I asked, "Guruji, you have seen my life, you have met my friends. As a big yogi to a little yogi, do you have any advice for me?"

"Yes," Guruji replied. "Each morning wake up. Do as much yoga as you want. Maybe you'll eat, maybe you'll fast. Maybe you'll sleep indoors, maybe you'll sleep outdoors. The next morning, wake up. Do as much yoga as you want. Maybe you'll eat, maybe you'll fast. Maybe you'll sleep indoors, maybe you'll sleep outdoors. Practice yoga, and all is coming!"

"Thank you, Guruji," I said. "That is just what I wanted to hear. Every other adult has told me to get a haircut and get a job. You are telling me to practice yoga, and all is coming. OK, I am ready!" -David Williams


This excerpt keeps popping up in my head. It's the only part that I clearly remember... do as much yoga as you want. then do as much as you want the next day, etc.

I'm finally at a place in my life where I can do as much yoga as I want. I wake up at 7am. Ride my bike to the shala. Practice for however long I want. Sometimes I shower, Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I babysit after practice, sometimes I wait tables at night. Sometimes I drink coffee, sometimes tea..

The constant variable here is my practice.

I'm finally ready to do my practice. Everyday!! (except for moondays, saturdays and the occasional ladie's holiday).

I've been practicing steadily since May 2nd. I will continue on this Ashtanga Path. I find that practicing this method allows me to 'feel things.' I feel my body. I am in touch with the turnings of my mind. I find my breath. I more aware and focused.

I know that I can do this practice at home. Or I can pay to go to a shala. (which I will, if $ is ok..)

What I'm really trying to say is: I am ready!!

Love. Love. Love.

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