life is good here in northern liberties. we just need a bookstore and a movie rentals place and maybe a food store. the food store is not essential. we go to trader joe's, whole foods and the asian food market down the street. (we went to the asian food market tonight and it was heavenly! there are so many choices!)
i'm heading to baltimore this weekend to see my family. we have my grandmother's unveiling on sunday. i get to see my aunts and uncles from both sides of the family. it will be really nice. i might go to the femme show at load of fun on saturday night to see some of baltimore queers! also, if i can i will try to go to led primary at charm city yoga. but i might just have to practice at home.
tomorrow is led primary really really early. today was a moon day. i slept til 7 and it was lovely. what else. hmm. don't know.
also, i got accepted into wakeup yoga's teacher training program. it starts in september. i'm super juiced about it.
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