Monday, September 7, 2009

ashtanga yoga providence.

the seeds have been planted... all around town. a flyer for ashtanga yoga providence outside of julian's (we ate there last night).
me on jill's comfy chair being comfy in my sweatshirt. 

after practicing, we ordered delicious mexican food from la lupita and ate it while hanging out in the park by the armory basically all afternoon. we played this frisbee game, sat and talked, did a little sun salutes, talked to strangers.. then we went home and made dinner and had some drinks and played this crazy card game that has little beans on the pictures. bohnanza.

i'm loving this town. i'm loving hanging with jill and mike and their RISD buds and RISD wives.. everyone is so nice and we're having a blast. we're going to flyer the city some more with ashtanga providence flyers. this city is so ready for some mysore style lovin'.

also, i dropped back without fear today in the presence of my friend and teacher jill. thank you for sharing your practice and your space with me. i loved it. tomorrow i will work on standing up solo. 

also, i've been taking pictures with the digital camera adam gave me and some pictures with my holga. i will post the digital ones when i get back but for now you get these lovely phone pics! night night!

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