Thursday, January 8, 2009

hair cut.

i just cut my hair and it looks pretty horrible. i don't know what i was thinking. it was just so thick and bulky. normally i do a decent job... but i'm out of tune. i actually haven't cut my own hair in a while. my last two hair cuts were by professionals.... it took from october until now for my hair to look good after my last hair cut. and now i just messed it up real bad. 

i guess i'll be wearing my hat... not that i don't wear it everyday... all day. even in yoga (at least during the surya's).

i have a fantasy of having long hair. but it never happens. i was growing out my mop of a head this summer and i ended up with a mullet... got it cut in philly while visiting... i just have little patience for hair. 

i've shaved it twice and i asked asher if i should just shave it and start over and he said no... don't go there..

a shaved head was not a good look for me.. although if it were... i would shave it every month. 

sigh... oh goodness.


Jill Manning said...

Miss you in class this morning it was full 10 people, very focused, and I must say the count was rockin'! See you Sunday?

Love. Love.

James said...

Please don't shave your head, no Britney's allowed!

Mrs. Noyes said...

I want to see it...How can I add you as someone I want to follow??

Amanda said...

jena. i added a "subscribe to" link on the side bar of my blog so you can subscribe. the pics of me and my sisters is a current shot of the hair. it's not so bad after all.. i guess i don't do well change..