I was reading Prescribing Yoga recently and linked through to Minimalist Muscle's blog and I found the 100 things project. (It's worth googling.)
I have this thing for minimalism. Although, I am not a complete minimalist, I'm a minimalist at heart. I have been googling '100 things' all night long. I've been reading people's lists and their rules. I find this project fascinating.
So I decided to start getting rid of stuff. and more stuff. I have a big pile of stuff if you want it.. I definitely don't have 100 things.. I have more. I can't count yet.. But I've made some rules for myself to start.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda's 100 things rules and regulations which are bendable and breakable...
-shared stuff between me and asher and morgan doesn't count. (includes bed, sofas, dishes, appliances.)
-dogs + ferret and their stuff doesn't count towards 100 things.
-shoes are considered 1 item for now. They are in a storage container and are therefore 'contained in one space' so that equals 1 item.. I have probably around 15 pairs of shoes (includes winter boots, sexy boots, 1 pair of flipflops, 1 running/fast paced walking shoe, leisure shoes, etc..)
-underwear= 1 item
-socks= 1 item (i have numerous amounts of socks and underwear and plan on reducing the size to probably 14 pairs of each?)
-work clothes for dmitri's is 1 item, it's all in one pile and it's stuff i'll get rid of eventually with time.
-yoga clothes, 1 drawer full = 1 item. I've got the drawer down to a minimum of stuff i definitely wear. Since I practice around 6 times a week.. I definitely want to have 6 yoga outfits for the week and can wash the stuff on saturday or a moon day.
-books- got my stacks down to 10 yoga books, 10 or so books i love and can't part with and a stack of yoga research+journals that i refer back to.
1. laptop+charger+protective case
2. cellphone+charger
3. yoga mat (1 @ home, 1 @ studio)
4. shoes (1 container full)
5. underwear+ bras
6. socks
7. work clothes
8. yoga clothes
9. bike+lock
10. wallet
11. keys
12. red spring jacket
13. lululemon lightweight jacket
14. black down coat for winter
15. puffy vest for in between weather
16. digital camera+it's parts
17. holga camera
18. ipod
19. sleeping bag for travel
20. makeup (for special occasions and work)
21. hair straightener
22. neti pot+salt
23. drybrush+sesame oil
24. toothbrush+floss+paste
25. deodorant
26. chrome bike back pack
27. yellow strand pigeon bag
28. fabric horse biker's belt
29. blue+red bird bag I made in california
30. books
31. jewerly (minimum of stuff, can't decide if i want to break this section down yet.)
31. yogi toes
32. bandanas (5 or so, I use them as snot rags and sometimes for yoga when i'm sweating.)
I am not in the mood to count up all my clothes tonight. (I had a beer and I'm kind of tired..)
Hopefully this will be a continuing project and I will update more as I get more done.
Rules about clothes: Can only keep stuff I am currently wearing.. drawer's must not overflow. that's it for now.
Could you live with 100 personal things?